Caleb Buford Caleb Buford

COVID Update: Night Services & Sunday School

Beginning on June 29th, Kentucky will allow gatherings of 50 people or less. While some of services have reached close to 50 before this was allowed, we have and will continue to follow all recommendations given by the state along with creating safety precautions that fit the needs of our campus and those who attend. With restrictions loosening, we believe we can now effectively begin having Sunday School & night services.

Night Services

Since our reopening on May 24th, we have limited our services to Sunday Morning only to reduce cleaning needs and exposure to others outside of the household. Beginning July 1, we will resume our Wednesday & Sunday night services at 6 PM. These services will be held in our sanctuary and will follow the same rules as Sunday morning services:

  • Doors will not be open to the public until 5:45 PM. All attendees must enter through the front doors.

  • All communal areas, such as the fellowship hall will be closed off.

  • All surfaces will be sanitized before and after each service.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the doors.

  • Every other pew will be roped off & our balcony will be open to ensure social distancing.

  • No bulletins or connect cards will be printed. Our connect card will still be available via

We will continue these practices for as long as needed. We ask that you support our mission in loving people by caring for their health in the following ways:

  • Wear a face mask while on campus.

  • Sanitize or wash your hands before and after service.

  • Promote social distancing; stay 6 feet apart from other attendees/family units.

  • Stay home if you are at risk, have been sick, and/or have symptoms of COVID-19

If you wish to continue to stay healthy at home, our services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook. We will be streaming the music and the sermon.

Sunday School

Our regular Sunday School classes will resume beginning July 5th. Here’s what we will be doing to ensure your safety.:

  • Doors will not open until 9:15 AM

  • Attendees will be asked to head directly to their classroom.

  • No communal food or drink will be served.

  • All classrooms will be sanitized before classes begin.

  • Classes will stay in their rooms until 10:30 AM.

  • Signs will be posted to encourage positive behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We will continue these practices for as long as needed. We ask that you support our mission in loving people by caring for their health in the following ways:

  • Wear a face mask. Due to the small size of some classrooms, it is crucial that we help to prevent the spread by wearing this item.

  • Sanitize or wash your hands before and after Sunday School

  • Promote social distancing; stay 6 feet apart from other attendees/family units.

  • Stay home if you are at risk, have been sick, and/or have symptoms of COVID-19.

We’re once again glad to be resuming some normal operations, but we know that we play a crucial role in helping Paducah, helping Kentucky, and helping the United States overcome COVID-19. Please do not allow yourself to ignore the importance of these precautions. We can do this. We can do this, together.

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Caleb Buford Caleb Buford

West End COVID-19 Response

As you may know, West End has been closed since March 18th. This hasn’t stopped us from providing online opportunities, but it has stopped us from coming together to worship. In late April Governor Andy Beshear announced Kentucky’s Healthy at Work Phase 1 Reopening plan, which allowed many public businesses to open. This plan allowed for houses of worship, such as West End, to open on May 20th if they follow State and CDC guidelines.

We are excited to announce that we will be reopening on May 24th but, there will be a lot of temporary changes. Here’s what we are doing to ensure your safety:

  • Sunday School & Children’s Church will be cancelled.

  • There will be no Wednesday or Sunday night service.

  • All communal areas, such as the fellowship hall will be closed off.

  • All surfaces will be sanitized before and after each service.

  • All congregants must enter through the front doors.

  • The Church doors will be unlocked at 10:30 AM for a 10:45 AM church service.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the doors.

  • Every other pew will be roped off & our balcony will be open to ensure social distancing.

  • Time of fellowship & offertory will be removed from the service.

  • Offering plates will be placed at the doors to allow you to give to our ministry.

  • No bulletins or connect cards will be printed. Our connect card will still be available via

We will continue these practices for as long as needed. We ask that you support our mission in loving people by caring for their health in the following ways:

  • Wear a face mask while on campus.

  • Sanitize or wash your hands before and after service.

  • Promote social distancing; stay 6 feet apart from other congregants/family units.

  • Stay home if you are at risk or have been sick.

If you wish to continue to stay healthy at home, our services will continue to be live streamed on Facebook. We will be streaming the music and the sermon.

We know these times have been hard and challenging for everyone. We want to help continue this battle through our reopening. This is a fight we all must be willing to invest. This is not something that one person can take on. You and me, our communities, our first responders, we can flatten the curve. We can do this. We can do this, together.

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